How Would You Like a Life of Freedom, Abundance and Prosperity?
Control Your Time, Master Your Finances,
And Live Your Best Life

Join Us At Our Raleigh 3-Day Get-A-Life Getaway For Just $1 – And Only Pay the Rest AFTER the Event IF You Love It!?!
Dear Friend,
We’re living in unstable and confusing times.
Many have questions as to what’s coming next or maybe even how they’re going to get back on their feet because they feel as though the carpet has been pulled out from under them.
They’re searching for answers, peace, stability, and certainty.
It’s a scary place to be for sure.
But what if I told you that I’ve also seen a certain group of people actually thrive during all this?
And it wasn’t because they were smarter than the first group of people or because they’re special in any way.
It was only because they were prepared and had a secret weapon in their pocket to guide them through whatever curveballs life threw them.
The People I’m Referring To Are Lifeonaires
Although none of us could have predicted what’s happened, in a way it didn’t really matter for Lifeonaires (or as least not nearly as much) because before all of the recent chaos they created their Lifeonaire Vision and built their life in a way that allowed them to flourish despite what life threw at them.
For example, many had already embraced our philosophy and strategies and…
- Mastered their finances and had become debt-free. This helped tremendously if their business was impacted negatively in any way. They had low overhead and were able to weather the storm way better than most.
- Were healthy physically because they had a rock-solid Vision and knew their “why”. This helped them minimize any health risks.
- Had great relationships with the people important to them so it was a bonus, not a bummer, to get to spend more time with them.
- Already had an ideal schedule and routine so not much changed. In fact, many Lifeonaires were working 20-25 hours per week (or less) before all this anyway.
And these are just a few of the things I’ve been hearing from our students and followers.
In other words, because they had a Lifeonaire Vision they have the freedom, means, and confidence to move forward knowing with 100% certainty that they had the best possible blueprint and strategy for success and prosperity.
I guess what I’m saying is…
What We Teach Is More Important Right Now Than Ever Before!
And just to give you context, the reason these folks created their Lifeonaire Vision and learned all this prior to COVID is because even back then, life didn’t look the way they wanted and they were ready to make a big change.
They were sick and tired of being busy all the time, overworked, stressed, unsatisfied, and struggling financially.
They knew deep down inside that life was supposed to be richer, easier, and more fulfilling than what they were experiencing.
Maybe the same is true for you too.
Even prior to the pandemic, you knew you’re meant for more and life is supposed to be better.
And here’s the irony…up until now you’ve probably done everything you learned you were “supposed to” and yet still you’re not seeing the results you desire.
And the reason is…
What You’ve Learned About Success Is The Very Thing Keeping You From It.
See, whatever life looked like B.C. (before COVID), looks like right now at this very moment, or you want to look like in the future…
Whether you’ve been shaken up and are struggling to find a clear direction moving forward that you can be confident in…
Whether you’re searching for a quick and direct path out of your current situation and into a better place…
Or whether you just want to beef up your plan for prosperity and freedom…
Now is the best time to do it!
Listen, things WILL continue to evolve and change and who really knows what normal will even look like tomorrow, but it won’t matter for you because when you choose to embrace our proven strategies, philosophies, and principles, you’ll be positioned solidly to have a life of freedom, confidence, and direction.
This Is Your Chance To Hit “Reset” And Create Your Master Life Plan By Joining Us At Our Get-A-Life Getaway
At this full-immersion life-changing workshop we take you by the hand and guide you from where you are now (no matter where that is!) to where you want to be.
We walk you step-by-step through our proven and tested process of designing your own Lifeonaire vision, and we then help you make that vision a reality in the shortest amount of time humanly possible by creating a detailed roadmap and blueprint to get you there.
And in case you’re wondering…this isn’t some “pie in the sky” approach to feeling good about life and learning to affirm your way to happiness. No way.
This is an intense event where you’ll learn practical, real-world strategies that will transform your life.
We’re gonna do a close examination at what your life looks like now and what you want it to be, then creating the exact, implementable steps to give it legs and bring it to life.
Here’s just some of the benefits you’re going to get by attending:
- How to BULLETPROOF your life so that regardless of what life throws at you, you can move forward with confidence and certainty.
- Discover what you really want for your life and how to get it. Many of us are living the lives that others want for us and are lost when it comes to making a change for ourselves.
- How to create a detailed roadmap to get you from where you are now to where you want to be as quickly and easily as possible.
- A practical, realistic set of bite-sized action steps that will get you living the life you deserve NOW rather than later.
- The 4 Stages of Financial Prosperity that you absolutely MUST follow if you want to achieve financial freedom and master money.
- How to create and start living a crystal clear Lifeonaire Vision that will include every aspect of your life including relationships, business, health, mindset, finances, charitable life, personal growth, spiritual life, and more.
- The secrets of living an optimal life so that you’re not always putting out fires in the areas you’ve neglected.
- The key to taking ownership of your life and designing your future in a way that will lead to long-term fulfillment, growth, and abundance.
- How to achieve Real Wealth and Prosperity (hint: it’s not the amount of money you have!)
- The Key to “becoming your vision” and taking it from being on a piece of paper and translating it into REAL LIFE. (so many people miss this and struggle as a result)
- Strategies and real-life tactics to become debt free in record time.
- How to identify and eliminate negative conditioning that has held you back from what you’re capable of accomplishing.
- How to deliberately design and live each and every day in a way you love – it’s 100% possible.
- How to make sure you don’t let your current situation limit your future potential.
- And much much more!
Sound incredible? It is.
Now, To Celebrate Being Back Live In-Person, And To Help Those That NEED This Now More Than Ever
We’re Offering Something Super Special
Before I tell you what it is though, know that normally a single ticket to our 3-day Get-A-Life Getaway is $997.00.
It’s a fantastic price and well-worth many times that amount, but that means when you come with your spouse or a boyfriend/girlfriend, it’s gonna cost you a hair shy of $2,000.00.
What If We Gave You Not Just One But TWO Tickets for Just $497 AND Check This Out…
You Only Have To Pay $1 Now, And You Only Settle The Remaining Amount AFTER The Event If You Loved it.

In other words…follow me here…you attend the ENTIRE event…
(Not the first ½ of the first day or some small partial amount like other people offer. I always hated that because you don’t know what you’re missing and they keep you there out of a fear of missing out!)
You literally come to all of it, participate fully, experience and take it all in…
And it’s everything you’d hoped for and you see how your life will be transformed as a result of what you learn…or you let me know you didn’t think it was worth it and we won’t bill you for the remaining balance. And there’s no guilt trip, hard feelings, or awkwardness. That’s not our style.
Does that sound fair?
Pretty awesome right? There’s zero risk to you and there’s no way you can lose.
If you love it (and I know you will!), you don’t have to do anything and we’ll just bill you the remaining $496 after the event is over.
This way you only pay if you get huge value out of it.
Like I said…we’ve NEVER done anything like this before and I don’t know if we’ll ever offer it again.
What I do know though is that…
This Event Changes Lives And When You Attend You’ll Be Next
Here’s what people are saying:
Warning: Lifeonaire can produce focus, determination, energy, passion and purpose in your life…enter at your own risk! Truly incomparable…one of a kind!
…changing the way that me and my wife are looking at our life. We have realized that we are just running in the rat race like everyone else and we want to start living our life the way we want to live it instead of the way the world thinks we should.
Lifeonaire is absolutely the best decision I have ever made in my life! -next to picking a relationship with my wife of course
The Lifeonaire approach twists everything you’ve been taught your entire life and turns it on its head. You’ll learn how to be happier in your life, not by being enslaved by your debt or your mindset about your approach to working. They genuinely care about each of the people in their audience and are not there to sell you more stuff. I strongly recommend you attend.
When I signed up for the Lifeonaire 3-day seminar, I had already been saying for some time, ‘Wow, I have to get some life in my life.’ My life had become a whirlwind of juggling 3 full-time careers (not just jobs), a commitment to write another book, and I was seeming to fall short on my commitments everywhere. I was living a life of disappointing everybody, especially myself. My debt had grown substantially and I felt like I had become the pinball in a pinball machine, batted around, making a bunch of noise every time I ran into an obstacle, and then falling into a deep hole of darkness, only to be slung back onto the playing field again and again. I was exhausted.
Somehow I knew that Lifeonaire was exactly what I needed. To simplify my life, to be empowered in my choices, and to be free again. Free to keep my commitments, free to spend special time with friends, family, and even strangers. In just three days, I had a clear vision for how I wanted to live my days, weeks, years, and lifetime. I had steps that were clear to achieve my most important goals. You’ll be hearing from me again as I continue to embrace the Lifeonaire way of living and start realizing the life of my dreams.
My wife and I went to the 3 day Lifeonaire in Wisconsin Dells this April, and our life hasn’t been the same since. Our days that included stress and arguments are now filled with love, focus, and enjoyment of what is truly important in our lives. Until Lifeonaire, I was chasing “success,” chasing income numbers, chasing a specific number of deals, a certain size house, a number of vacations, and the list goes on. I was accomplishing goals that others thought made me successful. By their standards I may have been a success story, but I just wasn’t feeling it and Lifeonaire finally helped me see why. In 3 days, I completely changed my life by taking control and writing my own vision. Lifeonaire has changed my life in more ways than I even realize.
The event in Milwaukee was everything I expected it to be and more. The philosophy is simple and the changes take work. Having a focused time with guided exercises, time to reflect on what you need to do, and live examples of how others are making the changes in their lives was so encouraging. Now I have a plan, not just a concept. I am really looking forward to having another 3 days with these folks to refresh my resolve, refine my plan, and get on with my journey.
How has Lifeonaire impacted my life? It is almost impossible to describe every way that the Lifeonaire message has influenced my life. That is the power of the message; it infiltrates all areas of your life and gives you purpose and direction.
We could fill 50 pages with statements like this but you get the point…
This Event Unlocks The Secret To Living A Prosperous, AMAZING Life
The only question that remains is…will you attend and be one of them?
Don’t wait for the government or someone else to help you.
Create your own stimulus and change your own life.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but due to room limitations, we can only have 35 there with us.
Yup…that’s it. I know it stinks, but it is what it is.
And as of the time of me writing this, there’s already a handful of tickets gone.
So if you’re ready to join us and transform your life, get your seat now…like right now.
Let me finish by addressing only a handful of possible reasons (ahem…excuses) why you still may be on the fence:
1. You’re “too busy” to go or “it’s not a good time”…HELLO!?! this is a huge flashing neon sign that you need this more than anyone! I don’t care what you have to do – call out of work, get a babysitter, rearrange your schedule…whatever – just get there! These 3 days will impact the rest of your life. I mean it.
2. You wonder how you can afford it. I’m going to be blunt here…you can’t NOT afford it. I mean… can you really put a price tag on your life? I know that sounds dramatic and over the top, but think about it. What would you pay to live an extraordinary life? Is there a price? No – it’s priceless beyond measure! You get one shot at this life & we’re only here once! Make it amazing!
3. You think you can do this yourself. Maybe. I won’t say it’s impossible but I’ll tell you this – we’ve been doing this for over a decade and have had over 10,000 go through this training, so do you think we may know a thing or two about the best way to do this? So why take your chances and bother trying to reinvent the wheel? It makes no sense, especially at this low of an investment. Let us as the experts hold your hand and walk you through our proven process.
4. Fear. What I’m actually talking about here is fear of taking responsibility for your life. As sad as it is, some people would rather play the victim in life rather than bravely step out and embrace their powerful destiny. Marianne Williamson said “It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most.”
5. It sounds too good to be true or you don’t think it works. To which I’ll say this…come to the entire event – all three days – and if you don’t think it was worth every-single-penny, then come and let me know, turn in your workbook, and we won’t bill you for the remaining amount and you can attend for $1.
And please…
If you won’t do this for yourself, do it for your loved ones because whether or not you realize it, your life affects theirs too – in a big way, probably much more than you realize.
Listen…all the things you’ve done up to this point in your life has lead you to where you are today.
But you have the ability RIGHT NOW to make a small decision that will dramatically impact the direction, potential, and quality of your life in the future like nothing you’ve ever imagined.
Don’t miss out and waste another day eking through life wondering what’s possible.
Make It Happen.
Your Time Is Now.
In Abundance and True Success,
P.S. – Because these events are so impactful, they frequently sell out. So please register IMMEDIATELY to reserve your seat. I’d hate to see you miss out on what will be a phenomenal 3-days that will change the trajectory of your life forever.
P.P.S – I’d strongly recommend you attend with as many people as you can that you care about. You’re going to want them to benefit from this too. Plus if feels really good to be part of someone else’s transformation.
Here’s what people are saying about the Get-a- Life Getaway:
“Got out of my first
3 day…and It was transformative…”
“I left with clear focus, vision and I have a path set for the rest of my life…”
“…I’m invigorated, I’m excited, I’m fulfilled…”
“…if you use the principles of Lifeonaire, you can create a life that is just unbelievable…”
Daily Event Agenda
8:00am — 9:00am Registration and check-in
9:00am — 11:00am Millionaire Culture vs. Lifeonaire Culture
11:00am — 12:00pm 6 Core Principles of Lifeonaire
12:00pm — 1:30pm Lunch (with assignment)
1:30pm — 3:00pm Prosperity, Freedom, and Simplicity
3:00pm — 4:00pm 4 Stages to Financial Prosperity
4:00pm — 5:00pm Setting Yourself Up To Win
6:00pm — 8:00pm Group Dinner (optional)
9:00am — 10:00am Setting Yourself Up To Win – Part 2
10:00am — 12:00pm Vision Element Casting and Creation
12:00am — 1:30pm Lunch (with assignment)
1:30pm — 3:00pm Getting Clarity
3:00pm — 4:00pm Vision Refinement and Prioritization
4:00pm — 5:00pm Special Session
6:00pm — 8:00pm Group Dinner (optional)
9:00am — 10:00am Calendar Mapping
10:00am — 11:00am Lifeonaire Finances
11:00am — 12:00pm Vision Integration
12:00pm — 1:30pm Lunch (with assignment)
1:30pm — 2:30pm Element Analysis and Breakdown
1:30pm — 3:30pm Success Tips, Support and Accountability Creation
4:00pm Wrap Ups and Event Conclusion