Lifeonaire Business Builder “3-Day MBA” Workshop
Discover Our Proven Process to Create a Business You Love That Is Wildly Profitable, Runs on Autopilot, and Gives You the Time, Peace of Mind, and Freedom to Enjoy Life
Please think back for a moment…
Do you remember why you first wanted to go into business for yourself?
Maybe you were sick of working for “The Man” and letting someone else control your hours, workload and paycheck, and the allure of being your own boss was appealing.
Maybe you were tired of not getting the credit and benefits of your hard work and decided you were done adding to someone else’s pocketbook.
Or maybe you just weren’t passionate about the product or service you offered anymore and wanted to start building your own dream – not someone else’s’.
The list of reasons could be a mile long, but underlying all of them was likely the belief that being your own boss would give you freedom, financial security and control of your time and schedule.
Ring a bell? It should. That’s the thought many folks have when they decide to take the leap and go out on their own.
Unfortunately however,
Reality Looks Quite Different And Much More Grim For Most Business Owners
We see it over and over again…
Instead of quitting the 9-to-5 job / 40-hour workweek then sailing off into the sunset with a successful, profitable, and enjoyable business, most people end up working twice as hard for twice as long and are more stressed, overwhelmed, busy and unfulfilled than when they had a job working for someone else.
Look around and you’ll see this is true everywhere.
As a business owner…
They end up working all the time, and if they’re not working, they’re thinking or worrying about the business…
They miss out on quality time with family, kids, and their spouse.
And even if they’re there physically, they’re not “present”…
They can’t find time to exercise, hang out with their friends, or enjoy any hobbies…
They often grab junk fast-food because they don’t have time to eat good meals…
They can’t even think about relaxing, taking their foot off the gas, or taking a vacation because the whole thing would come crumbling down…
The result?
Eventually, all of this creates a downward, self-reinforcing “death” spiral which causes them to gradually struggle more and more until eventually their business, their personal life – and oftentimes both – completely implode, leaving behind a wake of pain and regret.
It’s sad. And certainly NOT what they had hoped their business experience would be like!
Why does this (COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE) outcome happen to well-meaning, smart, good people that are trying to do better for themselves and their family?
The answer is simply because
They Don’t Have A Vision For Their Business,
The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Achieve It,
And The Proper Tools To Get Them There
In other words, most people haven’t taken the time or don’t have a clue how to intentionally and specifically design every single part of their business in a way that:
- Complements your life rather than competes with it.
- Allows you to choose what and how much you do in the business based on what you enjoy and find rewarding, and
- Be profitable with real bottom-line spendable income.

Enter The Lifeonaire
Business Builder Workshop…
We’ve Cracked The Code On Creating An Extraordinary, Profitable Business That Also Allows You To Live Like A Lifeonaire
All three of the above-mentioned points are crucial to lasting success.
Your business HAS to be profitable. It HAS to be uniquely-suited to you. And it HAS to serve your personal life vision. (Remember – the biggest purpose of your business is to support the life you want!)
In fact, the average Lifeonaire works about 20-25 hours per week in their business but still makes a handsome full-time income.
For example, one of my students recently told me that his goal in the coming year is to make $20,000 per month working 20 hours per week. He’s on track for it, but even if he doesn’t, would $15K per month be ok if he were only working 20 hours per week?
Maybe. That’s for him to decide. And you’ll have similar questions to ask yourself as we guide you in structuring (or restructuring) your business The Lifeonaire Way.
So what I can tell you with certainty is that…
Whether your business is making $100 per month or $100,000…
Whether you’ve been in business for two days or two decades…
Whether you’re a solopreneur or have 25 employees…
Whether you’re B2B, B2C, or don’t even know what that means 🙂
“I was just given a roadmap to 10x our business”
“I felt pretty confident before this workshop, but now I feel like I was just given a road map to 10x our business into the next levels. I have clearly defined goals now steps that I’ve laid out to get us to those next levels. I’m more prepared & motivated to keep pushing forward & transforming our business to the next levels than ever before.”
Gina Sas, St. Petersburg, FL
The Business Builder Workshop Will Give You The Plan, Tools, Resources, Strategies, And Know-How To Level Up And Run A Successful Business That Serves You, Not Enslaves You
And this isn’t theory or textbook. This is real-world, tested information and knowledge based on actual experiences in the trenches. Our instructors that have “been there and done that” and will directly transfer to you years worth of trials, errors, lessons and successes.
After this event, here’s just a few of the things you’ll walk away knowing:
- How to design a clear, actionable, rock-solid business vision to ensure your business provides the finances, time freedom, and fulfillment you desire. (Note: this ISN’T a business plan!)
- A “backwards” counter-intuitive approach to handling money, income and expenses that will actually guarantee you’ll be profitable and get paid for all your hard work.
- How to strategically eliminate, automate, and delegate tasks and responsibilities in your business so that you can finally stop being a one-person show where you’re CEO (chief everything officer) and are constantly burning the candle at both ends.
- The 4 Stages of business maturation, development and growth that you MUST understand and follow or risk spinning your wheels and struggling to get ever ahead.
- How to stop fighting fires in your business so that you can focus on the most important tasks and roles. Learning this tool will give you peace, focus, and clarity.
- Why your business needs to be an asset that can function without you and how to do it. Assets make you money – liabilities (the way most people have structured their business) cost you money.
- How to pinpoint and solve the real problem in your business that is holding you back. Most people completely misdiagnose their issues and waste a lot of time, effort and money trying to fix something that won’t help.
- Our proprietary SEAD process which stands for the Strategic Elimination, Automation, and Delegation of tasks, roles and responsibilities in your business so it can run on auto-pilot.
- Ways to find, screen, and hire only the best employees that want more than a paycheck. If you get someone that is only there for the money it will undermine your business and team morale.
- How to analyze every role, activity, position and component of your business and identify exactly who should be doing what and when. This exercise is shocking for most people when they discover where they actually should be spending their time.
- The right way and right time to scale and systemize your business. Do this incorrectly, too soon, or too late and you’ll likely crash and burn.
- How to set yourself miles apart from your competition with distinct, unique branding and an irresistible promise to your customer.
- What critical performance and financial metrics you should know inside and out if you want to be profitable, sustainable, and stay ahead of the curve. You absolutely MUST understand the numbers. We’ll help you do that – even if you’re not a “numbers person” :).
- How to master the 3 “Ms” of Marketing (message, market, media) and how tiny, easy-to-achieve incremental improvements in your process can yield staggering results.
- How to achieve financial peace in your business without taking on any debt or owe anyone anything.
- And much much more!
So who is this for?
That’s easy to answer…
This Is For Any New, Intermediate Or Experienced Business Owner Whose Business Isn’t Where Or What They Feel It Could (Or Should) Be
In Other Words, If You’re Working Too Much And/Or Making Too Little, This Event Is For You!

Yes that’s right. You can design your “Freedom Vehicle”, the business that will help you live the life you want FOREVER, for less than a single car payment.
We’re doing this very special offer because this is the first time we’ve done this event live and in person and we want to celebrate with you.
I hope to see you there. The business (and life) you desire and deserve awaits!
P.S. – Questions? Contact us at
P.P.S. – We strongly suggest you attend a Get-A-Life Getaway prior to attending the BusinessBuilder Workshop. This is for your own good. We believe you need to have your life setup before you work on your business, otherwise you’re likely to create a business that IS your life, or at the very least compromises it.
100% “Better Than Risk Free”
Full Money Back Guarantee
We put our money where our mouth is. There’s zero risk when you decide to join us and your full investment is protected. What this means is that you join us for the ENTIRE training (not just the first day like other people offer), and it’s worth every single penny you paid to be there and you see real-life ways to improve your business, or I’ll personally refund 100% of your money. That’s how confident I am that you’ll love it!