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You’re Now Registered For
The Get-A-Life Getaway
Great job! You made the fantastic decision to join us at our upcoming Get-A-Life Getaway.
I honor and applaud you for investing in yourself and your future.
You’re gonna be so glad you did!
As you’ll soon discover, this workshop is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced and will exceed all your expectations in helping you create a life you LOVE!
We’ve had over 10,000 people attend this events and have their lives transformed…and you’re next!
Here’s a few quick things to get started:
Step 1: Add the event to your calendar.
One of the most important things you can do right now, this very moment, is to add this event to your calendar. Why? Because life happens, our brains forget things, and we’re all humans! 🙂
Step 2: Join our free Lifeonaire App:
The Lifeonaire App is our go-to communication hub during the training. In addition to being able to access important info and content over there, you also get to brainstorm, meet, and mingle with other Lifeonaires in the community, so get plugged in right now.
Download it on Apple or Android or go to to access the desktop version.
Step 3: Check your email:
Check your inbox for a welcome email in the next 5-10 minutes. If you don’t see it, please check your spam folder.
Inside, you’ll find pertinent info for the event and several confirmation details.
Also be on the lookout for other event-related emails coming your way soon to ensure you get the most out of the event.
Congratulations Again!
We Can’t Wait To Be Part of Your Transformation!