Discover The Secret To Working Less & Making More Money In Your Business…

So You Can Enjoy Life And Experience Total Financial and Time Freedom

                        (Psst…it’s called ‘SEAD’. Keep reading to learn more!)

Dear Friend,

Most people start a business for one of two reasons…

Time or Money Freedom!

Which was it for you? Maybe both?

Have You Achieved It Yet?

If you have, congratulations!

But if you haven’t — it’s ok, you can get there.

And it’s not as hard as you might think.

It can happen quickly too… if you know how!

Business Success Is All About Designing
Your Business The Right Way!

And let’s be careful here…

I define business success as giving you BOTH the money you desire AND the time and peace of mind to enjoy it.

Unfortunately, you probably haven’t been told this before.

Instead, you’ve probably heard the key to success is:

  • Working hard for long hours every day
  • Sacrificing now for what you want later
  • Writing a book or being an expert
  • Having a large following on social media
  • A great website

None of those things are true.

And in fact, they’re the EXACT things that will prevent you from achieving the success you’re looking for.

The truth is this…

The Real Secret Is Having A Simple Way For Your Business To Make You A Full-Time Income With Only Part-Time Effort

If you don’t know how to do this, you’re going to struggle.

You’ll end up being the bottleneck in your business…

You won’t make the money you want…

You’ll sacrifice your personal life trying to make your business run…

And frankly, you eventually might even give up.

Here’s the GREAT NEWS though…

This doesn’t have to be your fate!

I have developed the exact, proven process that will allow you to truly own your business instead of it owning you.

It’s Called SEAD, Strategic Elimination, Automation, And Delegation.

With our services, we will teach and provide you with a tested, step-by-step, proven way that hundreds of my clients have used to create wildly profitable, rock-solid businesses that doesn’t require them to wear all the hats and do all the work.

The ‘S’ Stands for Strategic, and this is the first step.

We strategically help you figure out exactly what you want your business to look like by doing something completely weird (and most people think is backwards)…

I have you figure out precisely what you want your LIFE to look like first, THEN we use that information to structure your business. 

No one else teaches this, and that’s why it’s so powerful.

This is what allows you to create a business to serve your life!

Next, after the ‘S’, we have Elimination, Automation, and Delegation. 

Task by task and role by role, we run through your business with a fine-toothed comb and go through IN ORDER:

(1.) Get rid of it because it doesn’t serve your business (Eliminate)

(2.) Automate it with software because it’s a redundant task that doesn’t require a person to do, and with what’s left and you don’t want to do personally, we 

(3.) Delegate to others. 

It’s an amazing way to run your business and a special tool I want to share with you.

In fact, it took me literally 15 years in school plus another decade in business to develop this.

Let me tell you the story so you understand the magic of SEAD.

See, I wasn’t meant to be a business owner. I didn’t have any business owners or entrepreneurs in my family. 

All I was ever taught was to get a regular job and then life would take care of itself. 

Well, I wanted a great job (and great life), and so I went ahead and got 2 BS degrees, a MS, and a PhD (from Duke University nonetheless).  

I literally spent 15 years in school…yes fifteen!

Then came life’s giant slap in the face…

I discovered quickly – within weeks of my first job out of school – that working for someone else was just not for me, and so I went into business for myself. 

While I had some early success, it wasn’t sustainable and soon after, I crashed and burned. 

I went through a painful divorce, I was deeply in debt, and I lost all 3 of my businesses.

And that’s when it hit me…all this time I had structured my businesses the WRONG way (the conventional way I was taught). 

I set it up in a way that required me to run it.

In other words my business owned me. I didn’t own it. 

That’s when I realized the answer was in front of me the whole time.

I had spent 15 years in a laboratory learning how to do science. How to come up with a hypothesis, design experiments, test, document, and try again. 

I became an expert in interpreting data, coming up with the next step, and running tests to see if my hypothesis was right.

Then I Took The Same Scientific Approach And Applied It To Business.

I observed what other successful businesses did (and didn’t do). 

I analyzed why other businesses failed miserably. 

I put all my scientific skills to the test and began putting together my own research for what the secret formula could be and then tested it, over and over (with lots of failed attempts) until I have now what you can take advantage of. 

Now, this took me a LOT of time and effort to come up with, and that’s why I’m so excited to share it with you. 

You DON’T have to re-invent the wheel. You can just learn right from me. 

If you’d like me to walk you through this special process in your business, I am taking on a small number of “Business Makeover” clients. 

I’ll come out to your business (or you come here) and we’ll deconstruct then put your business back together, only now you’ll have eliminated time and money wasters, automated tasks and roles that were previously done inconsistently and took up valuable human capital, and delegated so that you’re not wearing all the hats in your business.

In Other Words, I’ll Revolutionize Your Business Using SEAD And You’ll Never Look Back At Doing Business The Old Way Again.


BTW ‘ve taught this process at our live Business Builder Workshops for years and have created training content on this incredible process, but NEVER have I offered this as a 1-on-1 Done For You service.

If you KNOW this is what you need and you can’t afford NOT to do it…

Not sure yet and need more time to think? Totally cool.

Instead, do these two things right now:


  1. Go ahead and download my free special PDF SEAD Quick Start Guide (Value = $197.00) giving you an overview. Once you go through it, you’ll see why you need to do this in your business immediately.
  2. Schedule a call with me and we’ll discuss whether this is the right fit for your business (frankly, if you want to be a one-man or one-woman solopreneur and do everything in your business, this isn’t for you. I’m looking for people that want to create stable, solid businesses that can run without them.)


With this simple, step-by-step guide you’ll see how to:


Take 4-month-long vacations without touching or worrying about your business at all


Work less than 15-20 hours per week, instead of 60-70 hours a week


Love your business because you’re only doing what you’re best at and love doing


Have your business run on autopilot without You! Like having you very own “Easy Button”