Discover Our Proven, Simple Process To Create A Wildly Profitable Business You Love That Runs On Autopilot
Everything You’re Getting Today
…all for only $297
A Ticket to the Business Builder ‘3-Day MBA’ Workshop ($997.00 value)
FREE BONUS #1: One-Year Job Elimination Plan
($97.00 value)
FREE BONUS #2: SEAD Process Quick Start Guide
($197.00 value)
FREE BONUS #3: Get-A-Life Online Masterclass
($497.00 value)
FREE BONUS #4: Three (3) Rapid Traction Coaching Calls ($3,000.00 value)
FREE BONUS #5: An Extra Ticket to the Business Builder ‘3-Day MBA’ Workshop ($997.00 value)
TOTAL PACKAGE VALUE = $5,785.00!!!
Our Zero Risk,”You’ve Gotta Be Nuts To Not Take Advantage Of This”
200% Money Back Guarantee
There’s absolutely zero risk when you decide to join us, and your full investment is protected. Attend the full three days of the workshop, and it’s everything you’d hoped (and more), or it costs you nothing. In fact, we’ll give you twice what you paid for your ticket. Just let us know by the end of the event, turn in your workbook, and we’ll give you back every single penny.
When You Join Us At The Business Builder ‘3-Day MBA’ Workshop, Here’s What You’ll Learn:
How to finally STOP being a “One-Person Show” where you’re CEO (Chief Everything Officer) and can never catch up with everything to do in your business.
How to Automate and Delegate like a PRO to put your business on autopilot so it can run WITHOUT YOU and you can have the peace of mind and confidence that everything is running smoothly.
Secrets to blasting through the 4 Stages of business maturation and crush the bottleneck at each level so that you can create a REAL business and leave a legacy.
How to GUARANTEE you’re maximizing your business value so that you can make the absolute most profit possible for every second of work you put in.
The small number of crucial but easy to measure performance and financial metrics you need to know inside and out…at least if you want to be profitable, sustainable, and stay ahead of the curve.
And much much more!
Your FREE “Take Action Now” Bonuses Include:
1-Year Job Elimination Plan
($97.00 Value)
Still have a job working for “The Man” and want to fire your boss? This quick start guide will walk you through the intimidating and confusing process of going out on your own. You’ll learn how to safely leave your job quickly, smoothly and strategically by making sure you think through and have a plan for each step along the way. You’ll also learn the painful mistakes and setbacks others have made trying to leave their job, so that you can avoid them completely. (This is an updated and improved version of the guide Wojo used when he left his job.)
SEAD Process Quick Start Guide
($197.00 Value)
There’s no need to wait to attend the Business Builder Workshop to start Eliminating, Automating and Delegating in your business. This Quick Start Guide will be your roadmap to get the ball rolling now so you can start to enjoy the incredible benefits of the SEAD process right away!
Get-A-Life Home Study Course
($497.00 Value)
Now you can get full access to the transformational content of our Get-A-Life Getaway from the ease, convenience and comfort of your own home. Lifeonaire founder Steve Cook and CEO Jason Wojo walk you through exactly how to create your Lifeonaire Vision and show you how to develop a realistic, practical and step-by-step action plan, and help you design your ideal life in every area.
Rapid Traction Group Coaching Calls
($3,000.00 Value)
Get on the line live with Wojo and his team to get help, advice and insights to take your business to the next level. You’ll learn proven, effective strategies and techniques to create a rock-solid business that runs on auto-pilot. This is your chance to pick the brains of the pros and use it for your own business.
An Extra Ticket To The Business Builder ‘3-Day MBA’ Workshop
($997.00 Value)
Now have TWO tickets total! This is awesome because now you can bring your spouse, a business partner, an employee, or even a fellow business owner. Getting aligned and on the same page with an understanding of how to best and most effectively run your business so that it’s fun, profitable, and provides the freedom you desire will be a game-changer.
What Workshop Attendees Are Saying…
“I felt pretty confident before this workshop, but now I feel like I was just given a road map to 10x our business into the next levels. I have clearly defined goals now steps that I’ve laid out to get us to those next levels. I’m more prepared & motivated to keep pushing forward & transforming our business to the next levels than ever before.”
“I think this biz builder is extremely necessary to people to get to the next stage.”
“This event helped me immensely by breaking things down into understandable areas and giving me concrete ways to take my business from where it is now and into the stratosphere in the future!!!!!”
Questions? Tech issues ordering?
We’re here for you: [email protected]