What is Lifeonaire Coaching Really Like?

Jason WojoPeople ask what Lifeonaire coaching is really like? …What’s it all about? If that’s you, here’s a little 3-min clip we threw together just to give you a little idea. Quickly hitting on things like…

  • What do people really get out of Lifeonaire coaching?
  • What are the retreats really like?
  • Is this just a business mastermind?
  • What specific ingredients make Titanium coaching so special and unique?

Check it out, and I welcome your comments below.



Fair warning:

Bear in mind these are the honest thoughts and feelings of some of our real coaching students and members, interlaced with some clips from one of our actual Titanium coaching retreats, which happens thrice yearly for each Titanium group.

The reason we didn’t include any actual audio from the meetings themselves is because goes on in those meetings is pretty much confidential to the members of each group. Which is part of the magic actually, creating kind of a “pants down” type experience, where everyone’s really honest and vulnerable, talking about real-life issues, with no egos or ‘masks’ allowed.

That’s a big part of why our members rave about these retreats so much, a get so much out of their Titanium coaching experience in general—a core group of fellow Lifeonaires, crafting and refining their Vision together, everyone ‘for each other’ and collaborating to level-up each other’s life, with a common set of values and ideals the whole time.

It’s really powerful, I tell ya 🙂

My Favorite Part…

…of the above video is about halfway, where you hear that at the retreats, everybody’s talking about their issues, (whether personal or business related), and you get such a variety of different experiences and stories weighing in the whole time.

Even if it’s not your session, when you’re talking about what you hope to get from the group, there’s just constant value as everybody’s sharing their thoughts, ideas, and issues from their own story.

And if you’re really present when there, you’ll get a lot of value back from the group the whole time…brilliant ideas, actionable steps, solutions to problems you may not even have yet but someone else is dealing with…

Want to find out more?

Then you should totally come to one of our 3-day “Get a Life” Getaways, where you’ll get a solid crash course on why you need your own Vision and a recipe for creating one yourself, and start cracking the code on crafting your OWN Lifeonaire life.

These events are an excellent starting point in anyone’s journey to being a Lifeonaire…

Hope to see you at one of them soon. 🙂
