What is ‘Faith’?

Steve CookOn Steve Cook’s Foundations call this month, which regularly takes place the first Tuesday of every month for our Titanium and Insiders students, he touched on a much-contemplated ideal of the heart. The topics on Steve’s Foundations calls generally tend not only to lean on heart issues, but they also reiterate or often times emphasize Lifeonaire’s Core Values and Principles, the founding truths that make Lifeonaire the company and culture that it is.

This month, Steve had a special guest on his call, Joe Turney. Joe is one of our own Lifeonaire students who has made a tremendous impact on his fellow Lifeonaires. As a result of a conversation that took place between Steve and Joe at their last mastermind retreat in September, Steve asked Joe to be a guest on this call to share his profound, yet amazingly simple approach to Faith.

Let’s Take A Look At Faith

Per Webster’s Dictionary Faith is:

  • complete trust or confidence in someone or something
  • strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof

The Bible in Hebrews 11:1 says:

“Now faith (pi’stis) is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

And here is a ‘layman’s’ biblical definition of faith:

Faith is the basic ingredient to begin a relationship with God. Faith is the assurance that the things revealed and promised in the Word are true, even though unseen, and gives the believer a conviction that what he expects in faith, will come to pass.

So What Does Faith Mean To YOU?

  • Have you ever struggled with what it means to have faith?
  • What does that look like?
  • How does faith actually play out in your life, real life?
  • Can you say that you have faith without doubt?
  • Are you currently in a situation that requires you have some serious faith but you struggle to even hold that mustard seed-sized faith?
  • Do your daily actions emulate the kind of faith you say (think) you have?
  • If you were asked to give your living definition of faith—could you?

I want to encourage you to take 45 minutes of your day to pour into yourself with this call on faith. It is a perspective on faith most of us in the Lifeonaire community have never heard before, and I’m willing to bet you haven’t either. But it is so freeing!

  1. Take a listen to the conversation here on YouTube or in our Archives.
  2. And then you can read the article, written by Joe Turney, that spurred this call on when you’re done.

⟶ ⟶ ⟶ FIRST, HEAR THE CALL ⟵ ⟵ ⟵

Then come back here and let us know how this call/article has impacted your perspective on faith, and maybe tell us how you’re changing what you do with your faith because of it!

Stay Blessed in Abundance!

—The Lifeonaire Team