Steve Cook

Summer is here again.

For some of us, it’s a very exciting time. It means getting outside or planning family vacations. The kids are out of school, so we can spend more time with them.

On the other hand, some of us are so busy with work that summer just comes and goes. Aside from turning on the air conditioner and putting away the snow shovels, it gets just about missed.

Inspired by the season

As I look out of my window today, I see growth. I see life. Everything is turning green. Things are growing, and they do so every year.

It makes me think: How will I grow this summer?

I don’t want this to be a summer that just passes by. During this season, I’d like to be intentional about growing instead. I don’t want the busyness of life to get in the way, or for vacations to take over.

And I want to make sure there’s time for me to experience real improvement this summer.

Three areas that I feel I need to grow are:

  • Draw closer to God. I want to know Him more intimately. This one excites me.
  • Physically with my health. Because of dietary issues and past injuries, this one doesn’t excite me.
  • Draw closer to my neighbors. I want to unite people and to invest in them. We’ve been blessed financially, so we’d like to host people and make some nice dinners. This one excites me.

I will first focus on drawing closer to God. But sooner rather than later, I need to come up with something physical that I want to do. It can’t be something that I have to do, but something that I will enjoy doing.

Plus, I’d like to see the results (so would my wife).

Anyway, I just want to challenge you all to use this season of growth as a time for you to grow as well.

So consider….

What are you looking forward to this summer? In Lifeonaire, we ask you to look back at the things that bring you the greatest joy. What are your greatest summertime memories? How can you share them and grow from them?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.Steve Cook



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