Make More, Work Less, and Create a Life and Business You Love


Before You Choose Your Experience, Please Read the Important Message Below from the CEO of Lifeonaire


Dear Friend,

Do you feel exhausted, frustrated, and like you’re stuck on a never-ending treadmill?

Like there’s always another fire to put out in the business, or something that demands your full attention…

That it’s impossible to find time for yourself or all the important things and people in your personal life…

And no matter what you do or how hard you try…you can’t ever seem to catch up – even though you feel like you’re running on full throttle and trying to do everything right?

You’re not alone. It’s an all-too-common scenario for way too many small business owners, and it usually ends with crushed dreams, burnout, and breakdown.

Luckily, that doesn’t have to be you.

There’s a much better way – one filled with free time, control of your schedule, financial independence, peace of mind, and a renewed sense of passion.

Lifeonaire has been helping overworked, underpaid, business owners create lives and businesses they love since 2007, and we’re here to help you do the same.

We’ve helped thousands of small business owners achieve total freedom in their lives, and we can show you the formula.

We have two powerful, complementary live events, that together give you the real-life, proven tools, tactics, and strategies to help you achieve TRUE SUCCESS in both life and business.


The Get-A-Life Getaway

Our flagship event that has transformed the lives of almost 10,000 attendees, the Get-A-Life Getaway is where you’ll discover exactly what your dream life looks like in every area. And just as importantly, here you’ll craft a step-by-step action plan and roadmap to get there as quickly and easily as possible. 

This isn’t a “new-age” approach to living or feel-good fluff – this is 15+ years of proven, rock-solid learnings combined with a practical, personalized approach to creating and achieving an extraordinary life.

The reason you need to attend this event (ideally before the Business Builder Workshop), is because the most important function of your business is to provide for the life you desire, so knowing what that life looks like is absolutely crucial to your success. 

The Business Builder Workshop

In this powerful, hands-on workshop we pull back the curtain on the ‘Lifeonaire Way’ of doing business.

In other words, we show you how to make a full-time income with only part-time effort, so that you can enjoy a business that serves your life rather than sacrifices it. 

We walk you through from start to finish how to structure, run, and scale your business like the pros, so that you’re not wearing all the hats or killing yourself in the process.

We cover best practices and insider secrets of marketing, sales, finance, automation, team building, and much more. 

In short, we’ll reveal to you our time-tested, proven principles of running a wildly profitable, thriving business you love, in any market and in any industry.

I look forward to seeing you at an event! 


 P.S. If you’re like most people we help and are interested in having BOTH a life and business you love, we strongly recommend attending both events.

Here’s what attendees say about our events:


“Got out of my first
3 day…and It was transformative…”


“I left with clear focus, vision and I have a path set for the rest of my life…”


“…I’m invigorated, I’m excited, I’m fulfilled…”


“…if you use the principles of Lifeonaire, you can create a life that is just unbelievable…”

Warning: Lifeonaire can produce focus, determination, energy, passion and purpose in your life…enter at your own risk! Truly incomparable…one of a kind!

Justin Patterson

Bryant, AR

…changing the way that me and my wife are looking at our life. We have realized that we are just running in the rat race like everyone else and we want to start living our life the way we want to live it instead of the way the world thinks we should.

Gary Tretter

St. Louis, MO

Lifeonaire is absolutely the best decision I have ever made in my life! -next to picking a relationship with my wife of course

Tom Gerow

Milwaukee, WI

The Lifeonaire approach twists everything you’ve been taught your entire life and turns it on its head. You’ll learn how to be happier in your life, not by being enslaved by your debt or your mindset about your approach to working. They genuinely care about each of the people in their audience and are not there to sell you more stuff. I strongly recommend you attend.

Shari Peterson

St. Louis, MO

When I signed up for the Lifeonaire 3-day seminar, I had already been saying for some time, ‘Wow, I have to get some life in my life.’ My life had become a whirlwind of juggling 3 full-time careers (not just jobs), a commitment to write another book, and I was seeming to fall short on my commitments everywhere. I was living a life of disappointing everybody, especially myself. My debt had grown substantially and I felt like I had become the pinball in a pinball machine, batted around, making a bunch of noise every time I ran into an obstacle, and then falling into a deep hole of darkness, only to be slung back onto the playing field again and again. I was exhausted.

Somehow I knew that Lifeonaire was exactly what I needed. To simplify my life, to be empowered in my choices, and to be free again. Free to keep my commitments, free to spend special time with friends, family, and even strangers. In just three days, I had a clear vision for how I wanted to live my days, weeks, years, and lifetime. I had steps that were clear to achieve my most important goals. You’ll be hearing from me again as I continue to embrace the Lifeonaire way of living and start realizing the life of my dreams.

Amy Gillespie

Richmond, VA

My wife and I went to the 3 day Lifeonaire in Wisconsin Dells this April, and our life hasn’t been the same since. Our days that included stress and arguments are now filled with love, focus, and enjoyment of what is truly important in our lives. Until Lifeonaire, I was chasing “success,” chasing income numbers, chasing a specific number of deals, a certain size house, a number of vacations, and the list goes on. I was accomplishing goals that others thought made me successful. By their standards I may have been a success story, but I just wasn’t feeling it and Lifeonaire finally helped me see why. In 3 days, I completely changed my life by taking control and writing my own vision. Lifeonaire has changed my life in more ways than I even realize.

Mike Neubauer

Crown Point, IA

The event in Milwaukee was everything I expected it to be and more. The philosophy is simple and the changes take work. Having a focused time with guided exercises, time to reflect on what you need to do, and live examples of how others are making the changes in their lives was so encouraging. Now I have a plan, not just a concept. I am really looking forward to having another 3 days with these folks to refresh my resolve, refine my plan, and get on with my journey.

Jane Garvey

Chicago, IL

How has Lifeonaire impacted my life? It is almost impossible to describe every way that the Lifeonaire message has influenced my life. That is the power of the message; it infiltrates all areas of your life and gives you purpose and direction.

Andy and Jen Kuba

Massillon, OH