Do You Have A Parenting Vision?

Steve CookAt Lifeonaire, we emphasize the importance of having a life vision. Without one, you live aimlessly You have no direction, and more often than not, you end up lost.

I’ve watched many students’ lives be transformed, thanks to their visions. Life blossoms for those who’ve put time and thought into what they want for their lives and put it on paper.

A vision for life should either include or be supplemented by a Parenting Vision.

Why a Parenting Vision?

Being a parent is one of the most important things in life.

So, just like we encourage you to have a Lifeonaire Vision, we encourage you to take some time and put your Parenting Vision into writing.

Parenting is not easy. We certainly don’t want to be aimless with it or just head down the road with no direction.

Everything most of us know about parenting is what we’ve observed from our parents growing up. And when you put a husband and a wife together, there may be two different parenting styles at odds with one another. Maybe there are some good things and some not so good things.

Regardless, parenting comes with challenges and we should plan for them.

If a couple embarks on the journey of being a parent without a plan, they are bound to make unnecessary mistakes.

They’ll still make mistakes with a plan, but without one, they won’t be prepared at all for the speed bumps that come their way.

For instance, situations that require discipline will inevitably come up, and one of you might take action in ways the other doesn’t agree with. Getting on the same page as best you can before it becomes an issue will save a lot of frustration and grief.

What should it include?

When writing your Parenting Vision, you could consider some of the following:

  • Disciplining. Who will do the disciplining? How will it be carried out?
  • Sleepovers. How will you handle sleepovers? At a friend’s house? Your house?
  • Video games and screen time
  • House rules. Will you have dinner as a family? Are no phones allowed at the table?
  • Allowance
  • Dating
  • Bed time. Will you read stories? Pray? Read the Bible?
  • Church
  • Moral standard. What will guide your decision making? My family uses God’s standard.
  • Sports. How important is it?
  • Schooling and homework
  • Handling conflict with siblings

The list could go on and on.

Most of these things are never discussed by parents until the time has already come. But the more you discuss up front, the smoother your job as parents will be.

If you can be on the same page, it will carry you much further. And a Parenting Vision will help you get there.

(Note: Your Vision is a clear, written description of what your complete, ideal life looks like. If you don’t have your own Vision yet, here’s a simple resource that can help you start the process for yourself.)

Speed Bump: Vision Worksheet

Steve CookWhat are some things you have come up with for your Parenting Vision? I would love to hear your thoughts, stories, and ideas.