by Steve Cook | Dec 12, 2017 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Last week I was asked to speak about Lifeonaire to a group in church. When I get asked to do things like this, there are various related topics I can share on—like overcoming debt, giving, managing money and what it means to live a truly abundant life. The person who...
by Steve Cook | Dec 5, 2017 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Busyness–the arch enemy to living an abundant life. I’m always talking about this and encouraging people to just slow down and enjoy life. Sometimes I even need to take the advice myself. And modern technological advances have not helped us, they have mostly...
by Steve Cook | Nov 20, 2017 | Articles, Erasing Limiting Beliefs, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Spoiler Alert: Chuck wrote this a while back while training for his first Iron Man. And no, he didn’t drown 🙂 He not only faced his fear, but has raised the bar significantly since then. Can you glean anything from how he did it? Share a comment after you read...