by Steve Cook | Mar 15, 2018 | Articles, Erasing Limiting Beliefs, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Mike is one of those people who’s truly a joy to coach. Once he decides a change must be made to his life to get him closer to his Vision, he simply makes that change. He does it in a very straightforward and intentional way, He measures his new results to ensure...
by Steve Cook | Mar 8, 2018 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Shoot for the stars! Don’t think small! You’ll never get anywhere with small dreams! We’ve all heard it before, right? Most success books or motivational speakers will teach you to dream big. And then there’s that whole group of people who will shoot down your dreams....
by Steve Cook | Feb 15, 2018 | Articles, Erasing Limiting Beliefs, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
When I first discovered this thing called “Lifeonaire”, one of the thing that most appealed to me was the concept of being able to define success my way. Truth be told, it continues to be one of the most appealing things for me about the message today—an...
by Steve Cook | Feb 8, 2018 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
I recently heard a story that paints a striking, compelling picture of a core value in the culture of a Lifeonaire… Prosperity Through Simplicity. It wasn’t my first rodeo—I recall first hearing this story over a decade ago in Tim Ferris’ The 4 Hour...
by Steve Cook | Feb 1, 2018 | Articles, Lifeonaire Success, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
I have an amazing story to share with you, so get ready. 🙂 I’ve been sharing the Lifeonaire concept and message with people for many years now – informally in the context of my day-to-day life, and sometimes at live events. At times those events are small enough that...
by Steve Cook | Jan 25, 2018 | Articles, Faith Corner, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Throughout the years many Lifeonaires have visited my home and witnessed the culmination of a beautiful vision: A simple life, a modest home, walking distance to a really cool downtown with coffee shops, cafes, my office, etc. I’d like to share how that story...