by Ben Cope | Jul 25, 2019 | Articles, Faith Corner, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
By Jeremy VlasichWhen I was little, I loved to hear about magical and mystical stories. I always hoped they were true!One story I always enjoyed was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I wanted this to be real more than anything. I’d see a rainbow and ride my...
by Ben Cope | Jul 18, 2019 | Articles, Business Building, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
By Jeremy VlasichI really love to negotiate. In fact, coming to an agreement with a buyer or seller in a win-win negotiation brings me a lot of joy! It’s is kind of my jam.Over time, I’ve had a lot of people ask me to coach them or help them with negotiating. I always...
by Steve Cook | Jul 3, 2019 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Have you ever wanted to grow in a particular area? Often, the first thing most of us do is go find books, courses, podcasts and other resources on the topic. This is great. We go to the experts to learn about something that is important to us. But did you know that...
by Steve Cook | Jun 27, 2019 | Articles, Faith Corner, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
As a coach, my goal is to help my clients towards a better future. I want them to grow, to travel beyond where they are now, and to always be moving forward. They’re on a path, and each time I interact with them, my hope is to move them one step farther down that...
by Steve Cook | Jun 6, 2019 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
Summer is here again.For some of us, it’s a very exciting time. It means getting outside or planning family vacations. The kids are out of school, so we can spend more time with them.On the other hand, some of us are so busy with work that summer just comes and...
by Steve Cook | May 30, 2019 | Articles, Lifeonaire Vision & Values
You probably think I’m crazy right now. Likely, you’d never want someone to read the private things that you’ve written.Or would you?I’m suggesting that there’s a time for you to actually let someone read your journal.A Success StoryAn idea came from...