Join Lifeonaire Gold and Create the Life and Business You Dream About!
Hey there friend –
My name is Jason Wojo. I’m the CEO of Lifeonaire, and with your permission, I’d like to say something straight and upfront…
I’m guessing you’re here because you want more out of life, and deep inside, you know you could be better, and you were meant for more.
Please don’t take that as disrespectful or judgmental in any way. It’s not meant to be. It’s just what I believe.
Why? Because that’s exactly how I felt back when I first discovered Lifeonaire.
I was stuck in a dead-end job that was draining the life from me, my marriage was deteriorating, I was struggling trying to maintain a relationship with my daughter, and my finances were dangerously fragile.
To make things worse, I had no free time, peace of mind, sense of purpose, or real plan on how to improve things.
I guess you could say most things didn’t look the way I wanted them to, and I felt trapped.
I was desperate to make a change, but was lost on how to do it.
I was so overwhelmed and confused on where to even start, I wrestled with just doing nothing at all and just continuing on the path I’d been on and sucking it up, but my heart wouldn’t allow it.
I KNEW I had to do something, and that no matter how stuck I felt or how much fear I had, the ‘status quo’ of having a mediocre or ‘average’ life wasn’t an option.
Then it happened…
One fateful day, I ran into Steve Cook, the founder of Lifeonaire.
It Was a Moment That Changed the
Direction of My Life Forever.
I knew who he was because I had bought his wholesaling and rehabbing courses, and had been on a couple of his webinars. All his content was incredible.
I meekly went up to him, introduced myself like a star-struck groupie (true and embarrassing story), and he was super humble, friendly, and made me feel very comfortable.
That night, still buzzing from the encounter, I went to his website and saw that he offered a coaching program called ‘Insiders’.
Part of me really wanted to join – I knew I needed help, and I wasn’t going anywhere fast on my own – but there was another part of me was scared and hesitant.
Questions raced through my mind…
What if this didn’t work?
What if this was a waste of money?
What would other people think?
After agonizing over it and going back and forth with myself 100 times, I held my breath, closed my eyes, and slowly pressed the ‘Enroll Now‘ button.
(As a worst case scenario, I figured I’d give it a few months, and if it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped, I could just cancel. Maybe I’d be out some money, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.)
Immediately after enrolling, I got an email that congratulated me and said my first coaching call would be in a week.
I wanted so badly to get started and see whether I’d made a good (or bad) choice, that the week felt like a month.
The day finally came for the call, and I anxiously jumped on the line twenty minutes early and waited.
At the set time, Steve jumped on and after a few pleasantries, I had a chance to ask the questions I’d prepared and talk about my particular situation and challenges.
He graciously answered them one by one, and before I knew it, the call was over.
And the moment I hung up, I looked at all the notes I had scribbled and smiled, because I knew this was EXACTLY where I was supposed to be.
I HAD made a great decision after all.
For the first time I had access to someone qualified and with a proven track record of success to help me – someone who I could trust, had my best interests in mind, and wanted to see me succeed.
It Was a Complete Game-Changer,
and I Saw Results Quickly.
I quit my job within 11 months of starting my business … (and that’s coming from zero business experience prior to coaching prior to coaching.)
I moved to North Carolina to strengthen my family and relationships…
I began moving towards financial freedom…
My spiritual journey blossomed like never before…
Fast forward to today and I run the company.
Crazy right?
I don’t say ANY of that to brag because straight up…I don’t know where I’d be today, had I not taken that first step forward that day and joined Lifeonaire.
I’m also not too proud to admit I don’t think I ever would’ve achieved anywhere near the level of success I’ve had, without the help I’ve received from Lifeonaire.
And now, I get to give back and help others transform their lives.
It’s come full circle and it’s beyond amazing.
Every single day, I get to see the incredible things our members achieve, and it’s beyond awe-inspiring.
To the outside world, these accomplishments might even seem ‘impossible’:
…traveling the world for months at a time while still having a wildly profitable business back home.
…relationships, friendships, and marriages once on the brink of disaster, now stronger and deeper than ever.
…making a good living off your passion, doing what you love.
…working less than 20 hours per week and spending the rest of the time creating life-long memories.
I could go on and on, but here’s what I’ll tell you:
When you get around the right people who you can lean on so that you don’t have to make all the mistakes and figure it all out on your own…
You’ll be Amazed at What You Can Accomplish!
And I’m speaking from experience.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because if you’re not where you want to be in life and/or business right now, then I want to encourage you:
There’s never been a better time than right now to make the investment into yourself and you future.
How do you do this?
Join the Lifeonaire Gold
Coaching and Mastermind Program.
(which btw dwarfs the ‘Insiders’ program I had available to me back when I started.)
What makes this program so incredibly powerful?
It’s the result of over 16 years of experience in the trenches, working with investors, business owners, and entrepreneurs, learning what works and what doesn’t, and masterfully applying the secrets of success into the design of the program.
Take a look and see for yourself. Here’s what Lifeonaire Gold includes:
Get Help with Your Challenges, and Answers to Your Questions on Live Weekly Coaching Calls with Experts
Every week you can get the help you need and the chance to pick the brains of high-level experts.
Have a question? Problem? Challenge? Need feedback, advice, input or ideas?
You’re in the right place. You’ll walk away from these calls with new action steps, ideas, and insights that you can implement and get results with right away.
You get to benefit from others’ questions too, which means the collective wisdom shared on those calls grows exponentially. These calls are nitrous oxide to your success engine, and will catapult you forward faster than you imagined possible.
Mastermind and Build Relationships with Like-Minded, High-Level People Multiple Times Per Month
You’re not alone on your journey. These mastermind calls are your chance to learn, collaborate, brainstorm, and grow alongside other powerful members.
There are several topic-driven mastermind sessions per month, any or all of which you can participate in. These are facilitated by our Titanium-level Lifeonaire coaches, and you’ll have the opportunity to participate actively and ask questions and offer input, or if you’d prefer, you can just listen passively and learn.
This is your chance to tap into the collective wisdom, experience & expertise of others on the line and benefit from ‘the rising tide lifts all boats’.
Come to these calls ready to learn, share, and build relationships with other like-minded, driven members who are all pursuing a better life and business and who also enjoy helping others succeed.
Continually Level Up in Life and Business by Attending the Get-A-Life Getaway and Business Builder Workshop
As a Lifeonaire Gold member, you get to attend both the Get-A-Life Getaway and Business Builder Workshop for free, as many times as you’d like.
In fact, many of our members return over and over again, as they’ve achieved the goals they set last time they came, and now are ready to advance to level 2.0, 3.0, or beyond in life and business.
The Get-A-Life Getaway is where you’ll create a crystal clear, compelling vision for your ideal life. This means you’ll know what you want to do, experience, feel, have, and be. You’ll also have the roadmap for achieving it with a step-by-step action plan.
The Business Builder Workshop is where you’ll learn to create a business that provides the time and money freedom to support your vision. We recently had one attendee say she learned more in just 3 short days with us than in two full years of business school.
To make this already-awesome benefit even better, you also get to sponsor guests to the events (in other words, you can bring them for free!).
This means you can impact someone else’s life while also creating your own inner circle of family and friends to support, encourage, and motivate you. A win-win, all the way.
Network, Grow and Connect with an All Admissions Pass to the Annual Lifeonaire Member Summit
Once per year all our Lifeonaire members from all levels come together in one place to celebrate, learn, grow, connect, and get re-invigorated.
This event is a combination of keynote presentations, breakout sessions, networking, fun, and more.
Connections are made, life-long friendships are created, and collegiality is in full force. This is one of the favorite times of the year for many of our members.
Benefit From Years Worth Of Valuable, Proven Knowledge And Experience, Exactly When You Need It
Can’t make a live mastermind call? No problem – you won’t miss a beat.
We record and archive these calls so that you can easily and conveniently listen in when it’s best for you.
Even better, maximize your “NET” (No Extra Time) and learn while you’re driving, exercising, or doing errands or chores.
We have accumulated an incredible treasure chest of specialized, real-world, practical knowledge with years of calls in the archives and it’s constantly expanding.
In other words, you’ll never run out of incredible trainings and a powerful way to learn, grow, and get to the next level.
All Of The Training, Education, Resources and Tools You Need To Succeed…Right At Your Fingertips in the Lifeonaire Vault
As a Lifeonaire Gold member, you get full unrestricted access to our entire online training vault available exclusively to our coaching students. What’s in there?
- Get-A-Life Home Study Course – so you can start putting together your Vision immediately and at your pace. The Vision is the foundation for everything.
- The 1-Year “Fire Your Boss” Job Elimination Plan – thinking of quitting your job and stepping out on your own? Then you’ll want this guide to help you prepare and make the transition safely and smoothly.
- Detailed trainings on the 4 Steps to Financial Prosperity. Understanding and mastering these steps will be PIVOTAL in your achievement of financial success. Miss any one of them and you’ll really struggle to get off the hamster wheel.
- All our real estate investing courses including our founder Steve Cook’s:
- Wholesaling for Quick Cash course. Need to make money fast? Wholesaling houses is a fantastic way to make chunks of change quickly with minimal risk when you know how to do it right.
- Rehabbing for Big Cash course. Want to make $20,000, $30,000, $50,000+ on a fix-and-flip? Learn how Steve has done it hundreds of times and how you can too.
- Home Construction course. Building new homes is exciting, fun, and über profitable. Find out how to do them correctly and why this investment vehicle is so appealing to investors.
- Debt-free Investing course. No longer do you have to take on debt and the stress associated with making payments in your business! This course teaches you how to do it debt-free using strategic joint ventures. Regardless of your industry or niche, you can apply these concepts.
- Other training like:
- My Fittest Year Ever. Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Your health affects every single part of your life. This training is everything you need to finally master your health. Everything from mindset, diet, exercise, and supplementation is covered in detail.
- Ultimate Mindshift. I have a secret…you are both your own greatest ally and worst enemy, all rolled into one. This training will help you achieve self-mastery, reveal blind spots, show you how to conquer fear, uncertainty, doubt and become unstoppable.
- E3 Self-Storage Investing Mastery. Self-storage is hot and for good reason. It’s an easily systemizable, hands-o business that can produce great residual cashflow and help you achieve and live your Lifeonaire Vision. Is it for you? Want to learn more? Check out this special training.
Access to this incredible and vast vault alone represents thousands of dollars-worth of training and materials, and it’s only getting more and more valuable because we keep adding to and expanding it!
Put It All Together and You Have
Everything You Need to Succeed.

As you can see, there’s a LOT included in the program right?
Frankly it might even feel overwhelming upon first glance.
The reason is because it’s Lifeonaire’s philosophy to go above and beyond, and give you everything you need (and then some!) to succeed at the highest level.
This is super important to us because at the end of the day, we only have loyal, raving fans because we deliver, and our students see the results they’re looking for.
Now…with all that being said, I have to tell you that no matter how awesome this program is and how many people it’s helped…
Ok. Now that we have that out of the way, I know you’re probably wondering “This all sounds great but how much does this cost? It’s probably a lot.”
And I’ll say yes… there is an investment – but it’s WAY less than you think and worth MULTIPLES more than the price tag.
But before I give you the amount, please first consider the real worth and value of what you’re getting:
- Weekly Coaching Calls with experts with a proven track record of success. Value………………………..$10,000.00
- Multiple Mastermind Calls per Month (= 60+ opportunities per year!) Value………………………..$9,000.00
- Attendance at both the Get-A-Life Getaways and Business Builder ‘3-Day MBA’ Workshops, and the ability to bring guests for free. Value………………………$4,000.00
- Ticket to Annual Lifeonaire Summit to network and grow with others Value………………………$997.00
- Complete Access to the Entire Call Archive Vault = A LOT (years’ worth of calls). Let’s be conservative and just count the last 2 years. Value……………………..$14, 400.00
- Full, Unrestricted Access to our Huge Digital Library of Online Courses, Trainings, and Resources (which is constantly increasing because we keep adding to it!) Value……………………$12,500.00
And this is true value – not some puffed up phony inflated numbers. Do the math yourself.
So what is your investment today?
After investing a one-time enrollment fee of just $3,997 you can either:
Option 1: Join for a full year and pay just $6,997 (and get two months free),
– OR –
Option 2: Pay an ongoing monthly membership of only $697 for as long as you continue in the program.
It’s simple, straightforward, and is a fantastic deal.
There’s no fine print, contracts, or long-term commitment.
This is a tremendous value, and if you were to purchase each items of these individually, it would be a whole heck of a lot more expensive.
Also, when you enroll today, you’ll also be grandfathered in at that discounted pricing so there’s no annoying price hike like your sneaky cable or internet providers do.
That means that as we continue to add more and more value to the program with more courses, content and calls, you get to take full advantage of all of it at your same low rate – even if the price increases for other people in the future.
Heard enough? Ready to get going? Ok then let’s make this happen right now.
Stop putting off the life you desire, dream about, and deserve.
Life is just way too short to waste, grinding through the day-to-day with your head and shoulders down, broke, unhappy and unfulfilled.
Forget that. You were meant for something better so…
Join Us Now and Create a
Life and Business You Love!
We give you everything you need: The tools and resources to create your Lifeonaire Vision, the right strategies & information, and the support system and community to bring it all together.
Lastly, we want to make this completely safe and a no-brainer for you and so we’re going to offer a
“Full 30-Day 100% ‘Better than Risk Free’
Money Back Guarantee!!!”
In other words, when you take action now and enroll in the Lifeonaire Gold coaching and mastermind program, we will fully guarantee your satisfaction.
Give it a full 30 days – take action, participate, do the work, and the program is everything we’ve described and you see the value, or we’ll refund every penny you’ve invested on the spot.
There’s no hoops to jump through or fine print.
We’ve eliminated all your risk.
And it’s called a ‘Better than Risk Free’ guarantee because even if you decide to quit (trust me…you won’t – it’s that good and you’ll see results), you STILL get all the value from those 30 days of coaching, training, and “leveling-up”.
You simply can’t lose.
Now, you may be wondering why (and how!) we can offer this incredible guarantee. Well, it’s because of three reasons:
(1) We have an incredible track record of success and the lowest attrition rate in the industry so we know what we do WORKS and so we have full confidence it will do the same for you.
(2) We don’t want the fear of enrolling and being disappointed or losing money to hold you back from getting the results you want and deserve. If you’re like most people, fear has hurt or crippled you in the past, but we know that when you start seeing the results you’re after, you’ll be a brand new person that’s confident, equipped, and ready to take on the world, and
(3) If you’re not happy with how your life and business has improved, then we’re not happy either. Like I said earlier, the only reason we have a community of raving fans is because we deliver, and this is our chance to prove it to you. You have nothing to lose, there’s zero risk, and your investment is completely protected.
Not sure this is right for you? Book a call to have a no-obligation, no-pressure chat with one of our Success Advisors to see if this makes sense for you.
“I have been a real estate investor for 20 years and have bought a lot of products, read a lot of books, listened to many webinars, and been to many seminars, conventions, and bootcamps. Some were really good and some not as much. I usually got at least one good thing out of each of them. And I believe education is essential to this business. But I must say that Lifeonaire is so different and much better. The integrity. The caring about the student as a person. The way the Lifeonaire message changes your life for the better and not just your business, and the relationships that form among the Lifeonaire family make this so much more than another opportunity to learn a real estate method. And being a part of Lifeonaire is not going to an event, taking notes, then hoping it works at home. You get to remain a part and have the ability to stay connected to people that truly want success in your life.”
“I can’t imagine not living the Lifeonaire way. Soon I am sure I will be working less and less as my vision continues to crystallize and become stronger with how I want to live this life.”
And we could fill pages and pages with similar statements from other members. 🙂
Wanna talk to someone to see if this is right for you? Click the button below to book a call.
P.S. Listen…if I can be frank, if you don’t have the life you want, you owe it to yourself to check this out and give it an honest shot. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.