“I Can’t Wait to Get Things Back to Normal”
We are living in uncertain times, and I have heard people repeat over and over that they just want to get back to normal. I can remember just a little while back when people were hoping to move forward into something new. So what is normal? Well, for most people it’s…
Chasing the Sun
I’m looking to the west. The sun is just over the horizon and the sky is beautiful; red, gold, pink, purple, and blue; gorgeous! But as I look back over my shoulder to the east I can see that night is coming.
The Number One Discipline You Need to Develop
There are many brilliant people. But most of us never hear about them because they lack something critical: They lack the discipline to sustain.
Getting to Zero
I often use the phrase “getting to zero” when talking to my students. There are a two ways to look at what this means. Both are essential in understanding the mindset for creating an abundant life….
Just Because You Could Doesn’t Mean You Should
Many entrepreneurs pursue multiple endeavors. They have multiple partnerships, multiple ventures, all because they are capable of juggling….But should they? Should they do everything they could do?
Wanting More for Someone Than They Want for Themselves
Have you ever wanted something for someone, something that would really benefit them, but they’re just not interested? Perhaps you….
Urgent: Must Read!
Wait. Aren’t we supposed to work really hard so we can enjoy the good life? Perhaps that’s the right plan for you, but I’m going to suggest that my plan may be a little different…OK, a lot different.
“Let Me Tell You Who You Are”
It is easy in this chaotic world to forget who we are. We have constant pressure, self doubt, stress, addiction, and other things that rob us of our true selves.
We go to seminars. We get coaches. We do anything WE can to try and find out who we are….
Define Life by the Book, Not the Chapter
Some of our chapters lead us to great things and some lead us to less than ideal outcomes. I want to share about what happened at the end of one of my life chapters and what I learned through it….
My 10-Year Plan: Live Now, Work Later
Wait. Aren’t we supposed to work really hard so we can enjoy the good life? Perhaps that’s the right plan for you, but I’m going to suggest that my plan may be a little different…OK, a lot different.