
Six Principles to Help Create A Vision Shaped By God

Six Principles to Help Create A Vision Shaped By God

I purchased a huge home in a great neighborhood one time believing that it would be the pinnacle of satisfaction, joy and peace. It wasn’t. In fact, it was the exact opposite. With a verse in mind, here is a list of some of the principles tied to a vision that we can benefit from:

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The Benefits of a Single Income Household

The Benefits of a Single Income Household

When both are working, couples today have the ability to qualify—through borrowing—for pretty extravagant lifestyles. A primary house, brand new vehicles, nice vacations, retirement accounts, and perhaps a second home are all on the table. They have the ability to paint the picture of a very prosperous lifestyle. The family they desire to build will be introduced into the perfect backdrop. Then things get hard!

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Your Vision, Your Journey, and the “Vehicle”

Your Vision, Your Journey, and the “Vehicle”

You’ve heard it before: Life’s a journey….But many go on it with no directions. They don’t have a map to guide them. Often, they find themselves lost and running on empty. Have you ever driven your car on empty, just waiting for a place to fill up? Does your life sometimes feel that way? At Lifeonaire, we have a solution….

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“I Can’t Wait to Get Things Back to Normal”

“I Can’t Wait to Get Things Back to Normal”

We are living in uncertain times, and I have heard people repeat over and over that they just want to get back to normal. I can remember just a little while back when people were hoping to move forward into something new. So what is normal? Well, for most people it’s…

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Chasing the Sun

Chasing the Sun

I’m looking to the west. The sun is just over the horizon and the sky is beautiful; red, gold, pink, purple, and blue; gorgeous! But as I look back over my shoulder to the east I can see that night is coming.

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