Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21


I purchased a huge home in a great neighborhood one time believing that it would be the pinnacle of satisfaction, joy and peace.  It wasn’t.  In fact, it was the exact opposite.  It’s not bad to have such a home, but instead of being life giving, it was a life suck. 

Deep down as a teacher who helps people to develop a vision, I want to guide them the right way.  Often, I let people pursue things that I know aren’t right for them, because I have found that they have to discover that for themselves.  

I find many people who believe that buying a huge home like the one I bought will lead to happiness and joy.  I share my story in an attempt to get them to take a different path, but they’re having no part of it.  They hear what they want to hear.  I recognize that I need to let them discover for themselves the emptiness of the pursuit before they’re really ready to hear and seek truth.

With the above verse in mind.  Here is a list of some of the principles tied to a vision that we can benefit from:

1)  God will help you with shaping a vision. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says that He knows the plans He has for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans for a hope and a future.  I think it makes sense for us to seek Him in this area.

2)  God ultimately is the giver of vision. 

Any vision that is successfully carried out will be built on His will.  We may as well come alongside what He’s doing rather than resist it.

3)  Shaping a life and business vision requires faith, patience and perseverance. 

You have to trust that God will give the vision and that He will carry it out if you hold on to it and do your part.  

4)  A vision from God will always be met with resistance from those opposed to God

Or those intimidated by your faith (this can be other believers).  You must remain steadfast and hold on to what God has given you in spite of the resistance

5)  God provides all that you need for the vision that He gives you. 

He will bring the right people, the money, the skills and every resource you need.

6)  Pursuing your vision requires risk. 

Certainty is what we desire and sometimes we don’t take risks because we fear the cost of failure.  Perhaps we should consider the cost of certainty.  I would venture to guess that certainty costs a lot. We can’t put a price on lost dreams.


I can probably add to this list, but for now this should be a great place to have a discussion.  Where are you falling short in your pursuit of vision and how can you get on track? Let’s have a conversation.

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